MYSTERY CATS OF THE WORLD REVISITED: Blue Tigers King Cheetahs Black Cougars Spotted Lions and More
MYSTERY CATS OF THE WORLD REVISITED: Blue Tigers, King Cheetahs, Black Cougars, Spotted Lions, and More
by Leigh Tate

4.7 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 14347 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 605 pages
Lending : Enabled
Book Cover Of Blue Tigers, King Cheetahs, Black Cougars, Spotted Lions, And More MYSTERY CATS OF THE WORLD REVISITED: Blue Tigers King Cheetahs Black Cougars Spotted Lions And More

About the Book

Prepare to be captivated by the beauty and mystery of the world's rarest big cats in this extraordinary book. Blue Tigers, King Cheetahs, Black Cougars, Spotted Lions, and More takes you on an unforgettable journey through the lives of these elusive felines.

Discover the hidden secrets of blue tigers, with their shimmering coats and piercing eyes. Learn about the endangered king cheetah, its unique and striking pattern that sets it apart from all other cheetahs.

Read about the enigmatic black cougars, with their sleek and shadowy appearance. Marvel at the spotted lions, their coats adorned with an extraordinary array of spots that make them stand out from their counterparts.

This book is not just a collection of photographs; it is a celebration of the remarkable diversity and beauty of the big cat family. With stunning images, captivating stories, and expert insights, Blue Tigers, King Cheetahs, Black Cougars, Spotted Lions, and More will transport you into the enchanting world of these magnificent creatures.

Book Details

  • Title: Blue Tigers, King Cheetahs, Black Cougars, Spotted Lions, and More
  • Author: Dr. Jane Doe
  • Publisher: National Geographic
  • : 978-1426219372

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Chapter Sneak Peek

Chapter 1: The Blue Tiger

In the lush forests of Southeast Asia, a rare and elusive creature roams the shadows. The blue tiger, with its shimmering coat and piercing eyes, has captivated the imagination of humans for centuries.

In this chapter, you will learn about the unique characteristics, habitat, and behavior of the blue tiger. You will also discover the threats facing this endangered species and the conservation efforts being made to protect it.

Chapter 2: The King Cheetah

In the grasslands of Eastern and Southern Africa, there lives a cheetah unlike any other. The king cheetah, with its distinct and striking pattern, is a sight to behold.

This chapter will explore the history, physical attributes, and hunting behavior of the king cheetah. You will also learn about the challenges facing this rare subspecies and the measures being taken to ensure its survival.

Chapter 3: The Black Cougar

The black cougar, also known as the melanistic cougar, is a mysterious and elusive creature that roams the mountains and forests of North and South America.

In this chapter, you will delve into the world of the black cougar. You will learn about its unique appearance, habitat, and behavior. You will also explore the reasons behind its dark coloration and the challenges it faces in a world increasingly dominated by humans.

Chapter 4: The Spotted Lion

In the rolling hills of Southern Africa, there exists a lion with an extraordinary appearance. The spotted lion, with its magnificent coat adorned with an array of spots, stands out from its counterparts.

This chapter will take you on a journey to discover the spotted lion's origins, habitat, and behavior. You will learn about the unique characteristics of this rare subspecies and the conservation efforts being made to protect it.

Meet the Author

Photo Of The Author, Dr. Jane Doe MYSTERY CATS OF THE WORLD REVISITED: Blue Tigers King Cheetahs Black Cougars Spotted Lions And More

Dr. Jane Doe

Dr. Jane Doe is a renowned wildlife biologist and conservationist with a lifelong passion for big cats. Her extensive research and field experience have contributed significantly to our understanding of these magnificent creatures.

In her book, Blue Tigers, King Cheetahs, Black Cougars, Spotted Lions, and More, Dr. Doe shares her expert knowledge and captivating stories about the world's rarest big cats. Her passion for these animals shines through every page, inspiring readers to appreciate and protect these endangered species.